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Friday, April 7, 2006

More Finished and More in the Works

As I promised before here are some pictures of the Easter baskets that I have been working on. So far the ones that are finished are my niece's and Mom's. I need to felt my in-law's and I need to finish Kevin's and mine. They go fairly fast so I have been able to get a few of them worked on in the past week. I just hope that everyone likes them.

This one is for my Niece. She is 14 and I thought that she might enjoy the funky look of it.

Niece's Easter Basket

This one is for my Mom. She loves purple so I thought that she would like it.

Mom's Easter Basket

This one is the in-law's. My MIL likes darker colors and I know that she has the greens and blues in her home so I thought that this one would suit her. It still needs to be felted.

Mom's & Dad's Easter Basket (Unfelted)

I am in the process of knitting Kevin's basket. I am hoping that I will be able to finish it tonight.

Kevin's Easter Basket in Progress

I still need to work on mine and felt the in-laws, Kevin's and mine. I am hoping to get them all knitted by this weekend then get them felted by the beginning of next week. Guess I should get back to knitting. :)

About Me

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I am a married Mother of 2 beautiful boys and 1 adorable girl. James was born on 1-1-05. Isaac born on 7-21-09. Anna born on 3-21-12 I have been married since Nov. 2001. I have 3 dogs (white lab/mastiff mix, black lab and black lab mix), 4 black cats, many angora rabbits (French, English and German, many fish, hamsters, hermit crabs, frogs, chickens and our newest additions 2 bottle lambs - or as my husband fondly calls it "the zoo." I currently live in Indiana, but grew up in Ohio. I am a house wife, and absolutely love my job. I have started my own hand dyeing business called Knitted to a T. I sell had dyed yarns, rovings, stitch markers, wool washes, patterns, and many other goodies.